Category: DHD

Digital Hardware Design

Floating Point Format

Imagine you have a processor with registers of size 32 bits. Can the processor store a number larger than 32 bits in one register? It is possible if the number is represented in floating point format. The floating point format…

Hexadecimal Arithmetic

Though the computers store everything in binary format, the user interface deals with the hexadecimal format for ease of understanding. For a human, it is easy to deal with hexadecimal than the stream of ones and zeros. So, in this…

Range of Signed Numbers

If we have three binary bits, then we can represent eight numbers, starting from 0 to 7. So, in other words, 0 to 7 is the range of numbers that we can represent using three binary bits. However, this range…

Rules of Binary Arithmetic

Binary arithmetic is essential in all digital computers and in many other types of digital systems. Now, since we know about different number systems and signed numbers, this is the right time to learn about binary arithmetic and the associated…